Colonel Mike Conner
An Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner in San Antonio, texas

Hi, I’m Colonel Mike Conner
I drank all the Kool-Aid our country had to offer as I progressed from a no-striper in 1979 to retiring as a full colonel in 2014. And I can drink with the best of them!
After retiring from the Air Force and shifting my focus from serving my County to better serving my family and finances … I learned that much of what I was taught was back-asswards from reality! Man have I had a lot of red-pill moments!
More specifically, I learned that our Nation’s Financial System is rigged against us.
Would you agree – the financial system is rigged against us?
So now, I’m leading a growing group of families and entrepreneurs to … build and control their own financial systems … using this book, Becoming Your Own Banker, by R. Nelson Nash, as our guide.
By Unlocking the Infinite Banking Concept for our families and businesses… we are unplugging from the commercial lending system and taking back more and more control of our cash flows.
As a result, we’re keeping more of what we earn now … and growing generational wealth.
Your search has led you here! Make today the day you declare your financial freedom! Call or email me now to get started Becoming Your Own Banker!
Colonel Mike
Col (ret) Michael P. Conner, USAF
Authorized IBC Practitioner 527
[email protected]