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“After earning several degrees from an Ivy-League university, teaching there, and spending twenty years in the insurance and financial services industry, nothing has had a more profound impact in my personal and financial life than reading your masterpiece Becoming Your Own Banker. It convinced me that most of my financial education and experience was based on faulty premises and that the only way to control my financial future was to control the banking function myself. It has provided me, my family, and my clients with financial independence and peace of mind. Thank you, Nelson.”

Pedro A. Palicio, MBA, Ph.D.
President & CEO Universal Wealth Managers LLC,
Coral Gables, Florida


“This book has impressed me most favorably. I found it highly informative and stimulating. I have always held the author in high esteem, but this volume far surpasses my most optimistic expectations. I recommend it be read by every owner of life insurance.”

Coy Eklund
Retired Chairman and CEO
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States


“Essential reading for anyone who cares about financial future. In the times of economic uncertainty, stock and bond markets volatility and unpredictable macroeconomic policies, R. Nelson Nash’s book provides us with an excellent blueprint for taking charge of our personal well-being.”

Yuri Maltsev, PhD
Professor of Economics Carthage College, Wisconsin
Before coming to the US in 1989, Dr. Maltev was a member of a senior team of Soviet economists that worked on President Gorbachev’s reforms package and a Chief Consultant of the USSR Bank for Foreign Trade.


“I am reading your book on self banking and think it is an astounding work for educating clients.

Tom Young
1st Consultants, Inc. Beaver Falls, PA


“I want to thank you for publishing your book, BECOMING YOUR OWN BANKER. This book has been instrumental in helping my clients grasp this concept and understand exactly what is at stake.”

Tim Yurek
Wilkes-Barre, PA


“Thank you for your efforts to put in print what everybody needs to know about how money really works. I have read it the day I received it and have just finished reading it again. It is absolutely the most informative book I have ever read. I look forward to attending your class.”

James Heger
Weimar, TX


“I enjoyed reading your book. I have given it to some of our other agents and some of my clients. I want to use the book to help train our agents on how a whole life insurance policy works and can be used.”

Dwight Spence
Phoenix, AZ Spence/Driscoll and Company


“Your book will make an impact on the lives of many people in years to come.”

Richard A. Pope
Woodbury, NY


“I enjoy every word of your labor. Glad to see the book is getting a wide audience. It is a classic!”

Lee London
Anniston, AL


“I have carried your book with me everywhere in my briefcase for two months. EVERY day I think about the significance of this great find. I have become an Infinite Banking ‘junkie’.”

Bill Richardson
Napierville, IL


“One of my new young-married clients said after she read your book “I feel so empowered!” I sell/give this book to almost every person I talk with…”

Jerry Maier
Minneapolis, MN


“I am new to this business, nine months ago, having been a professional golfer on tour all my life. I learned more in the three hours reading your book than at any other time in those nine months.”

Keith Jones
Houston, TX

“I have always said that there is too much higher education in America. The figures you develop are partial support of that contention.”

Walter E. Williams
Professor of Economics at George Mason University, and occasional guest host of the Rush Limbaugh radio broadcast.


“Unbelievable! A fantastic, educational, enlightening read! I am a certified financial planner and have literally recommended this book to over 50 people in the week since I read it. Every one of my 400 clients will have it and use it as their “turn to” source when they are trying to remember why we have set up what we did. I will be forever grateful to have it as a reference to guide potential clients towards so they can read about the things we are talking about that no one has ever spoken to them about and they can’t figure out why. Thank you, thank you for your efforts to bring people financial freedom.”

Kim D. H. Butler
CFP, Phoenix, AZ (Kim is a financial adviser to Robert Kiyosaki, Author of RICH DAD,POOR DAD


“I thought your chapter on the monetary value of a college degree was insightful and provided a much-needed and fresh perspective on higher education. It is this kind of thinking that will be necessary if we are ever to break out of the mess the socialistic higher education system has become.”

Tom DiLorenzo
Professor of Economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD


“Permanent whole life insurance is a dynamic tool that should play a major part in any financial plan. I have known this for many years, and studying with Infinite Banking Concepts has only helped to reinforce what I have known to be true. Infinite Banking Concepts has expanded my understanding of the product, how it works and what individuals can use it for when a little imagination and initiative is applied.”

David Dick
President, Compass Benefits, El, Paso, TX


“When I think of the long-term effects on those who read this book I see: Less divorce in our country. Most of the divorces have financial matters at their root. Less need for government interference in out lives. Obeying the principles will preclude the need for Social Security. Peace of mind. This will have an effect of life span and overall health. Control of your own destiny. The ability to serve others more effectively. This concept allows all these things to happen. I’m glad I was introduced to it many years ago and was able to play a part in its’ development.”

Roland J. Nelson
Pharmacist, Birmingham, AL


“The concept offers a chance to accumulate much greater sums of money ‘tax-free’ than is possible with IRAs or 401(k) plans, without being forced to wait until age 59 ½ to use the money without penalties, or being forced to begin taxable withdrawals at 70 ½.”

Kent Basson
Engineer, and a recent graduate of Law School at Washington & Lee University.


“Thank you for this brilliant concept for financial success. I know how hard you have worked and how you swam against the current in designing these programs. I have the utmost respect for you and your organization.”

Douglas A Carley
Carley Financial Services, Oakland, IA


“Just wanted to thank you for the inspiration you provided. You were sent from heaven at a great time for me. Thanks for investing in my life.”

Curt Patterson
Johnson Financial Services, Cedar Rapids, IA


“Thank you for committing the topic to print. I know it is very hard work, but it will help a lot of people and is therefore very needed and worthwhile.”

Steve Baldwin, MD
Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, AL


“I am very much impressed with the fact that you have come up with an original, sound idea. That makes you one of the miniscule few persons with an original idea. Everybody else just repeats from others.”

Helmut AG Roeder
Engineer, Ronnenberg, Germany


“Many of my prospects think life insurance only means death and disability benefits. But your book clearly shows the other power of it in one’s lifetime. The book talks about the ‘ying yang’ power of a true personal financial tool.”

Moo Heng


“This is the second most valuable book I have ever read. The first most valuable will never be replaced.”

Paul Silva
CLU, ChFC, Clifton Park, NY