BankNotes Archive – September 2015

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BankNotes Articles from September 2015

My Mother & Franklin D. Roosevelt    

September 2, 2015

by R. Nelson Nash To put this story into context we will need to go back in time to the Spring of 1957.  That was when I was introduced to the Austrian school of economic thought through The Foundation for Economic Education.  Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt is … Read more

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VISION – Chapter Three  – LOOT

September 2, 2015

by Leonard E. Read              He sins as much who holds the sack aw he who fills it –  Gabriel Meurier Richard Weaver wrote a book entitled, Ideas Have Consequences.  Ideas do indeed shape our way of life and mold our very being.  However, we think in words; and … Read more

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Greece’s Biggest Problem Is Its Anti-Capitalist Culture

September 2, 2015

July 8, 2015 — Russell Lamberti It’s considered politically incorrect to criticize culture these days, but whether using euros or drachmas, in or out of the European Union, Greece really has to, somehow, sort out its cultural dysfunction. I’m not talking about its customs, traditions, architecture or music, and I’m definitely not … Read more

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The Euro: The Folly of Political Currency

September 2, 2015

By Robert P. Murphy January 04, 2012  (Note the publishing date) The financial markets continue to surge and collapse based on the latest news from Europe. As of this writing, the big events are Slovakia’s unwillingness to contribute to a bailout fund and the failure of Dexia, a French-Belgian bank … Read more

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The Broken Window Fallacy and “Blessings” of Destruction in the Real World

September 2, 2015

July 15, 2015   Matt Palumbo In the early nineteenth century, Bastiat posed the story of a young man who throws a brick through the window of a baker’s shop. We’re told that this may have a bright side — that the baker must now pay a glazier to fix the … Read more

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Nowadays, Health Insurance Isn’t Really Insurance

September 2, 2015

July 30, 2015 — Jim Fedako Due to Obamacare, my health plan has become something other than insurance. It is now, for the most part, nothing other than a wealth transfer scheme to benefit the politically connected over others. In order to identify the difference between health insurance and government-mandated health care … Read more

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Keeping the Bubble-Boom Going

September 2, 2015

August 19, 2015 — Thorsten Polleit The US Federal Reserve is playing with the idea of raising interest rates, possibly as early as September this year. After a six-year period of virtually zero interest rates, a ramping up of borrowing costs will certainly have tremendous consequences. It will be like taking away … Read more

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