BankNotes Archive – April 2016

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BankNotes Articles from April 2016

Humans Are Hard-Wired to Value Some People over Others

April 5, 2016

March 9, 2016 Andrew Syrios One of the most persistent — and fallacious — argument against the libertarian or laissez-faire position is that libertarianism is an “atomistic” and “selfish” philosophy that denies the obvious truth that human beings are a “social species” who long for a strong sense of community. … Read more

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Stalinism Through a Child’s Eyes

April 5, 2016

March 22, 2016 J. Wiltz In a 2012 interview with The Horn Book, Inc., Russian author Eugene Yelchin seemed to take quiet pride in his Newbery Award-winning book Breaking Stalin’s Nose and its special designation as “the first children’s book about Stalin.” This pride was well-deserved. Like Watership Down and … Read more

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Job Growth Doesn’t Mean We’re Getting Richer

April 5, 2016

March 25, 2016 Ryan McMaken In response to recent claims by the Obama administration and others that “millions of jobs” have recently been created, I examined the data here at to see if the claims were true. It turns out that job growth since the 2008 recession has actually … Read more

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The Economics of Hunting and Species Conservation

April 5, 2016

March 3, 2016 Ryan McMaken Remember Cecil the Lion? It was a lion who was hunted and killed in Zimbabwe last year, and when photos of the dead lion appeared on line, scores of first-world suburban white people cried out in anguish that a cute big cat was killed. Well, … Read more

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The Long History of Government Meddling in the American Marketplace

April 5, 2016

February 29, 2016 Mike Holly Although the causes of economic crises recurring throughout US history and often spreading worldwide can’t be proven using empirical means, oppressive government regulations favoring special interests in relevant industries have preceded every crisis. Typically, cronyism involves support of politicians in exchange for regulations denying others … Read more

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VISION – Chapter 10 – The Folly of Complusion

April 5, 2016

By Leonard E. Read Compulsion is contrary to nature – QUOTED BY ARISTOTLE If it were obvious to Aristotle that compulsion is contrary to nature, why is it not obvious to more of us? For if it were obvious, then the number of us who act contrary to nature might … Read more

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