BankNotes Archive – August 2016

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BankNotes Articles from August 2016

Let Kids Buy What They Want

August 1, 2016

by Art Carden “Sweetheart, I think you’re making a terrible decision. However, I am not going to stop you.” “Yay!” That’s from a not-too-long-ago escapade with my daughter, who was about to spend her money on what I honestly thought was dumb. Why, if she was making a mistake, didn’t … Read more

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The Right of Self-Determination

August 1, 2016

By Ludwig von Mises Published by It has already been pointed out that a country can enjoy domestic peace only when a democratic constitution provides the guarantee that the adjustment of the government to the will of the citizens can take place without friction. Nothing else is required than … Read more

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The Problem With Socialism

August 1, 2016

By Thomas DiLorenzo A quarter of a century after the spectacular collapse of socialism in the Soviet empire, a large segment of the “millennial” generation (those born between 1982 and 2004) thinks socialism should be the wave of their future. A 2016 Pew Foundation poll found that 69 percent of … Read more

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Why We Need Profits

August 1, 2016

by Jakub Bozydar Wisniewski Monetary profit isn’t the only kind of profit, and people may do many things for psychic profit. Nevertheless, in a complex and industrialized world, monetary profit is essential in building sustainable economies. It is relatively easy to understand and appreciate the benefits of direct cooperation. The … Read more

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Why Is School Compulsory?

August 1, 2016

By Kevin Currie-Knight School has nothing to do with freedom. First, there are state laws mandating that you have either attended school or have learned the very specific kinds of things you’d learn in school. That form of education is not a choice: it is legally compulsory. But schooling is … Read more

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Nordic Socialism Isn’t the Answer for America

August 1, 2016

by Nima Sanandaji The new American Dream is to be found in Denmark, at least according to the American left. As the support for free markets is falling, many Americans turn to the vision of introducing democratic socialism, inspired by the Nordic countries. It was the quest of introducing a … Read more

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August 1, 2016

By Leonard E. Read Let us not dream that reason can ever be popular. Passions, emotions, may be made popular, but reason remains ever the property of the few. -GOETHE For striking evidence that reason is less popular than are passions and emotions, read a book by Andrew Dickson White, … Read more

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