BankNotes Archive – September 2016

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BankNotes Articles from September 2016

The Entitlement State that Nobody Mentioned

August 31, 2016

by Richard M. Ebeling The Republican and Democrat Party Conventions are now behind us. But through all the cheers and jeers, hoopla and poopla, warnings of a dark and dangerous future or promises of a bright and beautiful shape-of-things-to-come, one of the most serious shadows hanging over America was hardly … Read more

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The Free Lunch Is Over

August 31, 2016

by Jeff Deist If there is one overriding economic myth that plagues us today it is the notion that society can do collectively what we cannot do individually: get rich by living today at the expense of tomorrow. It is the doctrine of the political class, professional economists, and central … Read more

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Clinton’s Pay-to-Play Is the Natural Consequence of Big Government

August 31, 2016

by Peter G. Klein Hillary Clinton has been taking heat for her relationship with the Clinton Foundation. Did individuals and firms making large donations to the Foundation, or paying large speaking or consulting fees to Bill Clinton, get preferred access to Ms. Clinton as Secretary of State? Is there a … Read more

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A Great Book – [The Problem With Socialism]

August 31, 2016

Reprinted from an customer review of Thomas DiLorenzo’s new book – The Problem With Socialism. Our youngest son Dan, born in 1987, claims socialism is good. Like many other people in his Millennial Generation born 1982-2004, despite growing up in a home with libertarian parents, he backed Bernie Sanders … Read more

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The More Complex Society Becomes, the Greater the Need for Anarchy

August 31, 2016

by Butler Shaffer [This article is from a talk I gave on July 31, 2016, at the seventh annual “Capitalism and Morality” conference held in Vancouver, B.C. Sponsored by Jayant Bhandari – a very bright, energetic libertarian – the conference brings together speakers and participants interested in exploring the deeper … Read more

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August 31, 2016

By Leonard E. Read There is nothing more terrible than ignorance in action. -GOETHE As Victor Hugo observed, “Armies can be resisted.” Indeed, they can! But what about bad ideas, that is, ignorance? The most difficult problem facing the people of the United States today is to resist ignorance in … Read more

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