BankNotes Archive – November 2017

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BankNotes Articles from November 2017

God Is a Libertarian

November 1, 2017

Thank you for being here today [Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid, May 17, 2017]. Once again, it gives me great satisfaction and joy to be able to address you all, at (what I believe is) the Tenth Spanish Conference on Austrian Economics. Typically, my lectures cover topics related to economic … Read more

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This Is What a True Liberty-Loving Politician Would Look Like

November 1, 2017

In modern democracies, political cycles never end. As soon as one election is over, those seeking office are already running for the next election. Having recently attended a public forum of state-level candidates looking to the 2018 election, I wondered what a real friend of freedom might say if he … Read more

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Murray Rothbard and the Deflation Bogey

November 1, 2017

by William L. Anderson [This article was originally published August 10, 2010.] The Paul Reveres of the economics profession are riding their horses, warning Americans, “Deflation is coming! Deflation is coming!” From Paul Krugman to Joseph Gagnon to the various mainstream news publications, the message is the same — the … Read more

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