BankNotes Archive – May 2019

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BankNotes Articles from May 2019

A Closer Look At Businesses Part II

January 22, 2024

By L. Carlos Lara [Reprinted from the December 2018 edition of the Lara-Murphy-Report, LMR] A Business Credit survey1 conducted and published in March 2016 by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Richmond, and St. Louis reports that “cash flow” is the number one problem facing … Read more

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Leonard E. Read on Why Means Matter More Than Ends

May 1, 2019

History has produced an almost endless supply of those who would remake society into the utopia they imagine. But in trying to mold people into what they must be to match dictators’ mental images, they forget that the ends actually achieved will not match their imaginations and that the means … Read more

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How the Politics of Fear Manipulates Us to Tribalism

May 1, 2019

The cruel murder of 50 people in New Zealand was another tragic reminder of how humans are capable of heartlessly killing their own kind just based on what they believe, how they worship, and what race or nationality they belong to. There is a long-standing history of the fear of “the others” … Read more

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Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker – Part I, Lesson 1: Becoming Your Own Banker

May 1, 2019

Starting this month, we will begin a series of Nelson Nash’s personally written BYOB lessons. Nelson used his best-selling book Becoming Your Own Banker © as the reference; we will continue these lessons until we have gone through the entire book. Part I, Lesson 1: Becoming Your Own Banker Content: … Read more

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A College “Education” Has Little to do with Education

May 1, 2019

Ryan McMaken An old friend of mine, who taught political science for 25 years at the University of Colorado, was known to tell his students that the real reason they were there was to marry people from the right social class. While perhaps a little overly cynical, this assessment certainly wasn’t totally wrong. Few … Read more

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