BankNotes Archive – December 2019

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BankNotes Articles from December 2019

Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker – PART 1 Lesson 8: The Problem (continued)

December 2, 2019

Content: Page 18, Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition There is an analogy from the airplane world that helps us to see the absurdity of what we saw in lesson 7 of how the average American handles his money. I’ve been a pilot for over 56 years, and it was … Read more

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Intellectual Property as the New Guild System

December 2, 2019

Frank Hollenbeck The standard justification for intellectual property — i.e., patents and copyrights and trademarks — is that the creative process would be significantly reduced if such protection did not exist. The underlying assumption is that the financial reward must be augmented by a grant of exclusivity enforced by the … Read more

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John Adams on the Purpose of Government

December 2, 2019

John Adams, who has become “virtually an asterisk in history books today,” in one writer’s words, is inadequately celebrated. He played a leading role in our revolution and the beginnings of constitutional government. He wrote a Stamp Act protest that became a model for other protests. He outlined principles of … Read more

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Why the Brightest Future Depends on Market Chaos

December 2, 2019

Recently, a colleague disparaged my “reliance on markets” over his activist preference to use the government and its tax power to impose changes to technology and society. He berated me for believing that professionals should be at the forefront of changes that make lives better for fellow citizens. He derisively … Read more

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Why the Pilgrims Abandoned Common Ownership for Private Property

December 2, 2019

Next year at this time, Americans will mark the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower in 1620 and the subsequent founding of the Plymouth colony by English Separatists we know as the Pilgrims. They, of course, became the mothers and fathers of the first Thanksgiving. The Common Property … Read more

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4 Reasons Why Socialism Is Becoming More Popular

December 2, 2019

Alexander Zubatov The newfound openness of large numbers of Americans to socialism is, by now, a well-documented phenomenon. According to a Gallup poll from earlier this year, 43% of Americans now believe that some form of socialism would be a good thing, in contrast to 51% who are still against it. A Harris … Read more

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Understanding Interest Rates in Cash Value Life Insurance

December 2, 2019

By Robert P. Murphy, PhD May 2012 This Lara-Murphy Report (LMR) article was reprinted with permission. This and many more articles related to IBC and Austrian Economics are published monthly in the LMR. Subscriptions are available at Cash value life insurance policies can be very complicated, making it difficult … Read more

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