BankNotes Archive – January 2020

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BankNotes Articles from January 2020

Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker – PART 1 Lesson 9: Creating a Bank Like the Ones You Already Know About

January 6, 2020

Content: Page 19, Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition As in the grocery business that we discussed earlier, you must first study the banking business so that you have a firm grip on what it is all about and feel that you can run such a business. Without this confidence … Read more

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Gary North Is Wrong About Whole Life Insurance and the Infinite Banking Concept

January 6, 2020

by Ryan Griggs Gary North, Ph.D. (History, University of California — Riverside) is an economist, social commentator, and author. His reputation is controversial — some love him, some hate him. Some both love and hate him, depending on the subject of a given North article. In this post, I’ll attempt … Read more

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Is 150 Years of Bank Credit Expansion Nearing Its End?

January 6, 2020

Alasdair Macleod Since the turn of the millennium there have been two global bank credit crises: the first was the deflation of the dot-com bubble in 2001–2, and the second the 2008–9 financial crisis that wiped out Lehman Brothers. It was clear from these events that the debate over moral … Read more

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Where’s the Inflation? It’s in Stocks, Real Estate, and Higher Ed

January 6, 2020

Ryan McMaken In my days before I worked for the Mises Institute, I had a colleague who knew I associated with Austrian school economists. In the wake of the bailouts and quantitative easing that followed the 2008 financial crisis, he’d sometimes crack, “Where’s all that inflation you Austrians keep talking … Read more

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How Today’s Central Bankers Threaten Civilization

January 6, 2020

Claudio Grass When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative yielding bonds, I thought it was a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have been lots of articles speculating about the possible implications and focusing on … Read more

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