BankNotes Archive – June 2021

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BankNotes Articles from June 2021

Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker: PART III Lesson 2 How to Start Building Your Own Banking System

June 1, 2021

Content: Page 42, Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition Having just completed Methods, A, B, and C, we continue our study of the five methods of financing the use of an automobile. Do you realize that, thus far, we have covered the methods used by at least 95% of the … Read more

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The Faith of Entrepreneurs

June 1, 2021

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Ludwig von Mises didn’t like references to the “miracle” of the marketplace or the “magic” of production or other terms that suggest that economic systems depend on some force that is beyond human comprehension. In his view, we are better off coming to a rational understanding … Read more

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Why IBC Works

June 1, 2021

By Dr. Robert P. Murphy June 1, 2021 The Infinite Banking Concept (or IBC) is the legacy of the late Nelson Nash, financing pioneer and creative visionary. It is experiencing massive gains in popularity since its inception many decades ago. Whole life policy loans are infinitely less risky and costly … Read more

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