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The Lara-Murphy Report Podcast

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Episode 4: What’s Wrong With ‘Buy Term & Invest the Difference’? Part 1

February 28, 2016

In this episode, Bob and Carlos tackle a familiar objection to IBC, showing that the critics typically compare apples to oranges.

Episode 3: Your Money Isn’t Safe in the Bank

February 22, 2016

An examination of Carlos’ research into the Dodd-Frank Act and its provisions regarding contingent capital and statutory bail-ins.

Episode 1: Lara-Murphy Origins, Part 1

February 20, 2016

In this inaugural episode of the Lara-Murphy Show, Carlos and Bob explain how they met, and why they decided to write a book on Austrian economics and IBC. They also explain their motto, “Building the 10%.”

Episode 2: Lara-Murphy Origins, Part 2

February 14, 2016

In this second half of the origins, Carlos and Bob explain the creation of the IBC Practitioner Program, and they explain the big picture of IBC.