
R. Nelson Nash

Instructor-NashThe Infinite Banking Concept® was conceived by R. Nelson Nash in the early 1980’s as a result of his personal experience in several business activities.

Nelson received his BS degree in Forestry from the University of Georgia in 1952 and worked as a forestry consultant for 10 years in North Carolina where he introduced and developed a number of concepts and innovative forestry practices. He was also active in real estate investing for over 30 years.

He spent over 35 years as an agent for two major mutual life insurance companies. He is a life member of the Million Dollar Roundtable (MDRT), a member of Equitable Life Assurance Society’s Hall of Fame. He a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU).

He has spent over 55 years in the study of economics (The Austrian School of thought). This began with The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Leonard E. Read, founder of that organization became his mentor. He is a charter member of the Leonard E. Read Society.

He is author of Becoming Your Own Banker© and Building Your Warehouse of Wealth©. He teaches these two books all over the United States and Canada in seminars that are 10 hours in length and has done as many as 50 seminars per year.

He has been an airplane pilot for over 66 years and has over 5,000 hours flying time in military and civilian aircraft. He earned Master Aviator wings in the Army National Guard.

L. Carlos Lara

Instructor-LaraL. Carlos Lara is President of United Services and Trust Corporation headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee since 1976. United Services and Trust is a consulting firm specializing in corporate trust services, business consulting and debtor-creditor relations. The firm’s primary services are capital formation and business reorganizations.

Lara has held all the required licenses as a Registered Broker-Dealer and member of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). His background makes him a regular speaker at credit management symposiums and conferences. During the 1980s he taught classes on credit management to credit executives seeking the ABCE accreditation, now the Certified Credit Executive (C.C.E.), for the National Association of Credit Management (NACM).

He is a passionate advocate of Austrian Economics and frequently writes and speaks on the subject. In 2010 he co-authored How Privatized Banking Really Works with economist Robert P. Murphy. Together they publish the Lara-Murphy Report, a special on-line economic research and reporting newsletter for financial professionals.

Dr. Robert P. Murphy


Robert Murphy is Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech. He has a PhD in economics from New York University. After teaching for three years at Hillsdale College, he left academia for the financial sector.

Murphy is the author of hundreds of articles and several books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, the Study Guide to Ludwig von Mises’ Human Action, and (with co-author Carlos Lara) How Privatized Banking Really Works. Murphy has testified before Congress on monetary and energy policies. He is a co-creator of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) Practitioner’s Program, an online training course for financial professionals. You can find out more at