BankNotes Archive – June 2020

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BankNotes Articles from June 2020


June 4, 2020

The following interview appeared in the December 2011 edition of the Lara-Murphy-Report. R. Nelson Nash was born in Greensboro, GA in 1931, and married Mary Edwards Williams in 1952. Nash received a BS Degree in Forestry from the University of Georgia in 1952, and spent 30 years with the Army … Read more

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Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker – PART 1 Lesson 14: Creating Your Own Banking System Through Dividend-Paying Whole Life Insurance (continued)

June 4, 2020

Content: Page 24-25 Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition In the previous lesson it should be obvious that this young man is paying $310.00 per month to the pool of money — $50.00 directly, in the form of premiums, and $260.00 indirectly, in the form of car payments. If he … Read more

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Did Jesus Despise Money?

June 4, 2020

“Jesus Christ regarded money as ‘filthy lucre’ and the root of all evil!” pronounced a student at one of my campus lectures a few months ago. That’s not an uncommon view but it’s also manifestly erroneous—completely and utterly false. The student was responding to my lecture titled “Was Jesus a … Read more

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The Chicago School versus the Austrian School

June 4, 2020

Robert P. Murphy Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. People often ask me, “How are the Austrians different from the Chicago School economists? Aren’t you all free market guys who oppose big-government Keynesians?” In the present article I’ll outline some of the main differences. Although it’s true that Austrians agree … Read more

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The Problem with Measuring “Happiness”

June 4, 2020

Arkadiusz Sieroń Humanity has been asking what is happiness and how to achieve it since the dawn of time, but still without a definitive resolution. The divergence of views on this subject is enormous, although it may be a good thing, because each individual can pursue happiness in their own … Read more

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Negative Interest Rates: Rewarding Profligacy

June 4, 2020

L. Dwayne Barney Paul A. Cleveland Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. Presently there are trillions of dollars of bonds throughout the world with negative interest rates. This is an unprecedented turn of events, and one that has many nonprofessional investors confused. Savers are understandably puzzled as to how it … Read more

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