BankNotes Archive – March 2021

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BankNotes Articles from March 2021


March 8, 2021

There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known. Matthew 10:26 As Aristotle observed, “One may go wrong in many different ways, but right only in one.” This applies as rigidly to the subject here at issue advancing an understanding and practice of … Read more

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Why Biden and Krugman Are Wrong about the $15 Minimum Wage

March 8, 2021

Robert P. Murphy President Biden claimed during his Super Bowl interview that “all the economics show” that if the government imposes a $15 minimum wage then “the whole economy rises.” For his part, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has claimed for years that “[t]here’s just no evidence that raising the minimum wage costs jobs, at … Read more

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Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker: PART II Lesson 8 Creating The Entity

March 8, 2021

Content: Page 38, Becoming Your Own Banker Fifth Edition In studying the mortality chart in the previous lesson, notice that out of the 900 living at age 45, seventy-five percent of them were still alive at age 65.  This clearly shows that most all of the dying in a population … Read more

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