BankNotes Archive – April 2021

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BankNotes Articles from April 2021

Nelson Nash’s Becoming Your Own Banker: PART II Lesson 9 Creating The Entity

April 7, 2021

To demonstrate what we learned in Lesson 8 about how to design the policy best suited for “banking purposes” consider the table shown below.  Here are twin brothers, age 25 and each has decided to put $2,000 per year into whole life insurance.  Twin “A” decides to put it all … Read more

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Wind Power Is a Disaster in Texas, No Matter What Paul Krugman Says

April 7, 2021

Robert P. Murphy Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. In the wake of February’s tragic power outages in Texas, during which 4.5 million households suffered service interruptions, partisans on both sides have been quick to interpret the events as confirmation of their preferred energy policies. With news images of helicopters deicing … Read more

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The Modified Endowment Contract aka The MEC

June 2, 2015

L. Carlos Lara August 29, 2014 For those of us who have read Nelson Nash’s book, Becoming Your Own Banker, or even for those of us who are just now entertaining the idea of doing so, the resultant understanding after reading it is that the platform used to set up … Read more

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