The 2024 Annual Think Tank conference was the best one yet! The feedback from those in attendance was overwhelmingly positive:
“I really like that we are reinforcing the basic principles of IBC and structuring solutions that create the most safety and control for the client.”
“Incredible event!”
“I love the format. It is a lot to take in in two days’ time, but it is always motivating and powerful.”
“This was hands down my favorite Think Tank of the five I have attended.”
It was our largest Think Tank event to date with over 280 people in attendance. This year we saw:
- more guests personally invited by our membership
- more spouses and family members who work in the business with our practitioners
- new faces from our students and recent graduates
- existing practitioners who have never before attended a Think Tank
- returning veterans
This was a milestone event in many ways aside from attendance. We recognized our council members with Nelson Nash Leadership Awards and presented certificates to 38 IBC Practitioner course graduates. Plus, it was the first time since we launched this event that we hosted it outside of our hometown of Birmingham, Alabama.
It is clear that our community and our message is growing. The energy, excitement and, most importantly, the passion for IBC and Nelson’s message was alive and electric over the three days.
We launched a new session called “The Connection Zone.” This created new relationships, allowed the 100 people in attendance to get clear actions they can implement into their business and create accountability towards their success over the next 12 months. It was very well received.
We also announced and launched the newest book by Carlos Lara “The Perfect Investment” now available in our bookstore. Get a copy today for yourself and for your clients!
Protecting the Brand
During the Think Tank, I showcased our new standards for practitioners and the community and discussed how we will intentionally be using our Intellectual Property law firm to strategically implement protection of Nelson’s message and the Infinite Banking Concept trademarks. This is a multi- pronged and long-term approach that is intentionally designed to benefit all membership. Over the coming year, we’ll be sharing more about our successes in this endeavor as we elevate our practitioners and what we stand for as an Institute.