BankNotes Archive – November 2016

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BankNotes Articles from November 2016


November 3, 2016

The reverse of error is not truth, but error still. -RICHARD CECIL In the physical world there are extremes of heat and cold, of aridity and moisture, north and south, and so on. Then there are perpendicular extremes-up and down; high up into the stratosphere and deep down into the … Read more

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A Rare and Insightful Interview with Leonard Read

November 3, 2016

by Tibor R. Machan This lengthy and insightful interview with Leonard Read was published in the April 1975 issue of Reason magazine. It was conducted by Tibor Machan. One of the most respected organizations advocating the philosophy of laissez-faire is the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) in Irvington-on-Hudson, New York. … Read more

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Why Universities Are Failing

November 3, 2016

by Preston Cooper “For some families, sending a child to a private university now is like buying a BMW every year—and driving it off a cliff.” So writes Charles Sykes, a senior fellow at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, in the introductory chapter to his new book, Fail U.: The … Read more

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Central Banking’s Disgraceful Legacy

November 3, 2016

by Desmond Lachman History will judge the world’s major central banks harshly. It will do so not only for their responsibility in setting the stage for the next global economic and financial crisis. Those central banks will also be indicted for their role in making politics in the world’s major … Read more

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California’s Climate Change Hypocrisy

November 3, 2016

by Eric Englund On September 19, 2016, California’s governor, Jerry Brown, signed into law America’s toughest restrictions on “super pollutants” including black carbon, fluorinated gases and methane. Per the press release from Governor Brown’s office, if such legislation is followed worldwide “…these acts would help cut the projected rate of … Read more

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Resisting the Dictatorship Mindset

November 3, 2016

by Andrew Zalucky Politics isn’t everything. Though everything has a political dimension, it is never the only dimension. The state, with its monopoly on coercion through physical violence, is the everyday arbiter of politics. Therefore, when people in power convince a population that every problem requires a political solution, that … Read more

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Why Democracy Rewards Bad People

November 3, 2016

by Hans-Hermann Hoppe One of the most widely accepted propositions among political economists is the following: Every monopoly is bad from the viewpoint of consumers. Monopoly is understood in its classical sense to be an exclusive privilege granted to a single producer of a commodity or service, i.e., as the … Read more

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